Our unique SDKs allow us to extract proper data from devices, while we can also collect consumer behavioral data across the AdView Marketplace. These data give tremendous audience characteristics visibility and enable our advertisers to deliver customized and highly relevant ads to the users.
AdView SDKs Benefit One: Targeting high quality audience data delivers more relevant ads

AdView SDKs Benefit Two: Fighting Non-Human Traffic and Improving Consumer Engagement
Non-human traffic (NHT) degrades the value of the advertising industry as a whole. Malicious bots can misrepresent themselves to users. Beyond generating waste and distrust, it undermines the integrity of viewability and consumer engagement metric and hurts both buyers and sellers. The AdView SDKs for publisher works behind the scenes, raising the bar on suspicious activity, giving media buyers and sellers a trusted method to better protect their traffic and campaigns from IVT threats.
Download SDKs or APIs
Android SDK Support all forms of AdView advertising
version number: V4.4.5 2024-10-18View update log >
AdMob Adapter Support all forms of AdView advertising
version number: V4.4.5 2024-10-18View update log >
MAX Adapter Support all forms of AdView advertising
version number: V4.4.5 2024-10-18View update log >
iOS SDK Support all forms of AdView advertising
version number: V4.3.8 2024-09-26View update log >
AdMob Adapter Support all forms of AdView advertising
version number: V4.3.8 2024-09-26View update log >
MAX Adapter Support all forms of AdView advertising
version number: V4.3.8 2024-09-26View update log >
Publisher API Support all forms of AdView advertising
version number: V2.5.3 2018-10-09View update log >